Charles Neville

The official website of the Charles Neville Estate
"When we perform, the music connects us with the audience in a way that makes the performance not a separate thing with 'us' and 'them,' " Charles Neville said. "All of us are together participating, creating the energy that's making it happen.

"I think the special thing about the music that allows the connection to happen with people everywhere is that it's not contrived; it comes from our spirits, our hearts. That makes it easier for another person's spirit to be touched by it."
~ New York Times
Legendary jazz musician Charles Neville was an inspiration not only for the tender spirit of his music, but for the peaceful, centered, spiritual joy he emanated – even after living as a young Black man in the segregated South, touring the country as a famed member of the legendary Neville Brothers band, struggling with addiction, and being criminalized.
Neville Brothers performing Yellow Moon featuring Charles Neville on Saxophone, with special guest, John Hiatt
Please contact the estate if you are interested in licensing the likeness, music, or merchandise related to Charles Neville.
COVER Photo by Julian Parker-Burns
Copyright © 2024 Charles Neville Estate. All Rights Reserved